Now, for the actual beginning of Purim, we began with our own party and shpiel on the kibbutz.
Everyone was dressed up in the costume of their choice. It really felt like Halloween, for example, our counselors were the characters from Inside Out and me and 3 other friends were Miley Cyrus (the old one, I was this one), Hannah Montana, and Miley Cyrus (the new one). This was so much fun and we even won the costume contest (check out the picture!). The next day, we went to Tel Aviv. We walked around for a while and it was just so interesting to see everyone dressed up as something different. Some people were very simple and just wore a funny hat and other pretended they were the characters from “Avatar” and painted their whole body blue.
So Purim was technically over the night we got back from Tel Aviv; however, the celebration and commemorations still continued. Friday morning we went into the old city and stood with the organization Women of the Wall, led by Anat Hoffman, as they read from the Megillah. The men on the other side of the wall did not seem as phased by this, but some of the more traditional women attempted to get us to stop, however their efforts had no effect on us.
As I write this we are packing our bags in preparation to leave for Poland. It’s hard to describe my feelings, but, the best way I can put it is that I am looking forward to becoming more educated about the holocaust and have the ability to honor those who perished in it.